Wk 11 — Artist OTW — Student Choice

2 min readNov 6, 2020
Yellow Coperni Handbag

Artist: Sébastien Meyer and Arnaud Vaillant

Media: Fashion Designers

Website: no website for the 2 of them but this is a short bio of both. https://www.businessoffashion.com/community/people/sebastien-meyer-and-arnaud-vaillant


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sebastienmeyer/


Sébastien Meyer and Arnaud Vaillant are French designers for women’s clothes. Together they created the brand called Coperni, named after Nicholas Copernicus. Before they became a duo, Meyer was studying sewing and design. On the other hand, Vaillant was primarily focusing on business and fashion management. Since they were both along the same lines, they met at Mod’Art International Paris in 2009. After they met, they began collaborating on projects and actually won awards for them. They won Podium Jeune Styliste 2009 as well as first place at the international in 2010. After working together for nearly 4 years, they designed their own brand, Coperni Femme. A year later, the brand won the ANDAM First Collection Prize.

Coperni is a women’s clothing line as well as unisex and some accessories. The details on some of the handbags are incredible. It’s crazy how people can come up with all different designs like this. They even make handbags that can be specifically paired with a top that they created. Although the purses have designs on them, they are completely flat. They don’t have any 3-D details. Some of their pieces are very monotone and don’t have vibrant colors so they are basically neutral colors.

Some questions I would have for the designers here would be on what made them decide on women’s clothing. If they are men wouldn’t they have more expertise on men’s clothing instead. Also, another question would be are the purses signature? Like is that their style preference for the brand. They are all pretty similar just different colors sometimes and maybe a wider shape if they’re feeling it.

I LOVE this brand. If I had enough money to purchase a purse and a top to go with it I would do it instantly. I totally understand why they made it expensive though. It’s beautiful. Also, many foreign items such as cars, clothing, jewelry whatever it may be, is all very expensive. It is necessary though because they are truly masterpieces, and everyone loves them! They get a lot of attention.

