Week 3 — Art Activity — Drawing



I have fun drawing sometimes. I think I like to draw more of what comes to my head naturally. It is hard for me to try and copy something because I get irritated easily if they don’t look exactly alike. I kept asking my friend next to me if she thought my drawing was good because it wasn't matching up perfectly with how I pictured in my head. I could paint for a long time because I like that style better. I like going with the flow and perfecting it to how I like. If I had time to practice drawing to get better, I think I would be able to. Maybe not trying to a mirror image of something but just what comes to my brain because one it would require my brain to think harder than normal and two it could become a new hobby I can pick up even if I’m not that good when I start out.

I’m majoring in communications right now but I want to change it to something else, not sure what though. But besides that, I think it could be useful in almost all departments. Sketching/drawing is used to simplify things for some people who don’t understand all the way to showing important diagrams or information at companies. It is important that everyone is able to have the same equal opportunity to learn and drawing it out for them is just out of respect.

I think drawing is a form of language. Toddlers who are learning to read for the first time rely heavily on pictures. Students in elementary schools who are forced to read books from the library tend to always go towards the picture books. Our minds are attracted to pictures and colors because we are trained to and sometimes it’s easier to comprehend things. Some people who learn things in school are visual learners. They take in knowledge better if they see pictures or diagrams. I am this kind of student, my brain juts works like that and I actually like it better instead of having to read a million pages to understand one thing.



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