Artist Essay — Bobi Bosson

3 min readSep 26, 2020

Artist: Bosson Bobi
Media: Animation, Digital Art, Paint, Ceramics, Illustration

Bobi Bosson is a graduate student from California State University, Channel Islands. When she first went into college, she was majoring in business. She really liked art but as a lot of people often think, “how do you make a living off of art?” she thought the same thing. But, instead of going with a career she knew she wouldn’t be happy with, she decided to try it out and change her major to art. First, she went into animation and then soon began to fall in love with all kinds of different art techniques. Bobi is very interested in the female body and loves recreating it in so many ways. With art, she was able to bring to light so many social issues she believed were very important and made them her own piece.

Bobi is very precise when it comes to her pieces. She takes her time on them because she wants to be able to perfect them. She stated that she jots down all her ideas that spark up in her mind at any time because she might need them in the future. She uses a lot of intricate ways to fulfill her ideas. In her sculptures, she is creating a replica of the female body. She uses so many different monotone colors. In the newspapers and the metal parts, they’re both lacking vibrant colors, but it still looks amazing. Bobi does a wonderful job incorporating her own likes, such as a kitty under one of the female sculptures. She also does a great job in making the bodies abnormal, obviously the main picture is the female body because she enjoys it, but she integrates different body types. This is very important especially today because everyone is so fixed on having a perfect body when, your body is perfect because it’s unique to you.

I have many questions for all artists, mainly because I don’t understand how their mind can come up with all this beautiful work. It’s very interesting that their minds can go to various lengths to create a masterpiece. Was there something going on at the time that inspired you to design this piece? Could you elaborate on the female body sculptures and what they mean to you? I really enjoy looking at the “Let Love In” screen print because it is very vigilant in today. We are going through this time era with a civil rights movement and where gen z people are very passionate about what they believe. Could you speak on the screen print and what it means to you, specifically now that we are living through this?

Before this class, I had only taken one art class my freshman year of high school and it was basically just learning how to draw and obviously just getting the credits out of the way. With this class, I feel like I’m learning more, and I really enjoy it. Looking at all Bobi’s pieces really inspires me. I don’t think I could create crazy good pieces like hers, but practice does make perfect. I feel like art could really help with my character, I tend to get frustrated very quickly and it’s hard to quit it so maybe I could turn to creating something in order to relieve the anger or stress that’s filled up in my body.

“Come at me bro” — Bobi Bosson

